DEVOTION with Notice of Ak Central-West Joy Min 10 June 2012 service
This Devotion (complete transcript) is from “The Word for Today” by Dr Bob Gass for Monday, 14 May 2012
Hold Up Your Pastor’s Hands
In Jeremiah 3:15 (NKJV) we read, “I will give you SHEPHERDS according to My heart… “.
Here’s a sad statistic: over 50% of those who enter the ministry leave it within 10 years. You say, “Why is that?”. One word – DISCOURAGEMENT. Make sure that doesn’t happen to your pastor.
Picture this: Joshua’s soldiers are down in the valley fighting the Amalekites. Above him on a hilltop sits Moses with his hands raised toward Heaven. As long as his arms are raised the battle goes their way.
But if you’ve ever tried to hold your hands up for long, you quickly grow weary/tired, and lower them.
Well the moment Moses does that, the battle goes against Israel. So Aaron and Hur hold up his arms, and the tide turns in favour of Israel.
Now hear this – it wasn’t just Joshua’s ability to fight, it was Moses’ ability to hold up his arms/hands that won the day. And Aaron and Hur kept a leader from fainting, so that an entire nation could be saved. Are you getting the point?
God said, “I will give you shepherds ACCORDING TO MY HEART, who will FEED you with KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING.”
If God has given you a pastor like that one who loves, leads you, and feeds you, support them. HOLD UP their hands!
In the Old Testament tabernacle, the CANDLESTICKS had to be kept burning day and night, because their LIGHT represented GOD’S PRESENCE among His people.
I mean – if a light so much as flickered, designated servants moved in immediately to REFUEL IT, and RESTORE IT to its ORIGINAL GLOW.
There’s a lesson here. What is it? It’s this – It’s your responsibility to make sure the LIGHT doesn’t flicker in YOUR CHURCH, or the FIRE go out in YOUR PULPIT.
So PRAY for your pastor every day. And be sure to ENCOURAGE him every chance you get.
From Hold Up Your Pastor’s Hands (click on this for the link). The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright 2011