Dr Bob Grass wrote this, printed in “The Word for Today” for Sunday 24th March 2013:
Here’s a key (in the Bible) to being blessed:
“BLESSED is the man who WALKS not in the counsel of the ungodly… But his DELIGHT is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he MEDITATES day and night. He shall be LIKE A TREE planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its FRUIT in its season, whose LEAF also shall not wither; and whatever he does SHALL PROSPER (Psalm 1:1-3 NKJV)
A BLESSED man or woman tends to STAND OUT because
- their CHARACTER is deeper,
- their IDEAS are fresher,
- their SPIRIT is softer,
- their COURAGE is greater,
- their LEADERSHIP is better,
- their CONCERNS are wider,
- their COMPASSION is more genuine, and
- their CONVICTIONS are more concrete
- They’ra JOYFUL in spite of difficult circumstances, and
- show WISDOM far beyond their years. And
- they are FULL of surprises;
you think you have them boxed in, but they turn out ot be UNPREDICTABLE - When you’re around them you feel slightly off-balance because you don’t know what to expect next.
Over time, you realise that their IDEAS and ACTIONS can be trusted. And why is that? Because they have a SPIRITUAL ROOT SYSTEM that goes down to STREAMS OF LIVING WATER. Consequently, what they put their hand to PROSPERS.
And you can live this way. How? By setting your SPIRITUAL PRIORITIES in concrete. The arch enemy of spiritual growth is BUSYNESS, which is closely tied to something the Bible calls WORLDLINESS – getting caught up with SOCIETY’S AGENDA to the neglect of WALKING WITH GOD.
Whichever way you look at it, a key ingredient to prospering is – TIME.
Not leftover time, not throwaway time, but QUALITY TIME.
TIME for MEDITATION (thinking, pondering on God’s Word that you’re just read);
TIME for COMMUNICATION (praying to god, letting Him talk to you through those versus; talking to HIM how your day has been, your hopes, visions, and dreams, what His desires are).
Unhurried, uninterrupted TIME with God.
from rhema.co.nz WORD FOR TODAY