If you’re constantly driven by ‘what needs to be done’, you’ll burn out, and fail to do what God has assigned you to do.
So here are some practical suggestions for pacing yourself:
- CHANGE YOUR EATING HABITS. The Bible says that it’s not smart to stuff yourself with too many sweets (Proverbs 25:27). You wouldn’t put sugar into your petrol tank, so be wise; educate yourself about good nutrition.
- BE CLEAR ABOUT WHERE YOU WANT TO GO. Set specific goals, and have a plan and timetable for reaching them. Don’t be controlled by mindless routine.
- INSTEAD OF IGNORING YOUR PROBLEMS, RESOLVE THEM. Act before they become chronic and start sapping your energy.
- DON’T ‘VEG’ ON TV. Too much television dulls you mentally and lulls you into lethargy. “But they that wait upon the Lord….renew their strength.” (Isaiah 40:31).
- IF YOU’RE OVERLOADED, DON’T TAKE ON MORE. Don’t say “Yes” out of a sense of guilt, false responsibility, or the need to be needed.
- TAKE A BREAK. When did you last take time to get away? A change of pace and fresh scenery are great battery-chargers.
- GET TO BED EARLIER. When you burn the candle at both ends, you are the one who burns out. You say, “But I’m doing it for the Lord”. Notice what the Lord says, “It is vain for you to rise up early, sit up late…for so He gives His beloved sleep”.
The following Devotion was the very next day:
“My Yoke is easy and My burden is light.”..(Matthew 11:30)
His intention for you is to discover His will for your life, unlock and develop the gifts He’s given you, draw daily on His power, use your commonsense, and don’t live stressed out.
- CHANGE YOUR ATTITUDE – you can’t always control what happens to you, but can decide how you’ll respond to it.
- GET PHYSICAL TOO – physical exercise has value too! Feed your mind with Scriptures too – meditate on them until they take root and grow within you.
A few days ago, I saw this Bible verse – Jesus said, “Are you TIRED? WORN OUT?… Come to Me. GET AWAY WITH ME and you’ll RECOVER YOUR LIFE. I’ll show you HOW TO TAKE A REAL REST. Walk with Me and work with Me—watch how I do it. LEARN THE UNFORCED RHYTHMS OF GRACE. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matthew 11:28-30, The Message)
The Devotion: “Too busy to rest?”, in www.biblegateway.com is worth looking at also –