ARCHIVED: Central Outing – 13th September 2014

It’s time for another outing so please put Saturday, 13th September 11am, in your diaries now. We will meet in the carpark at the Point England Reserve at the end of Point England Rd. You are going towards Glen Innes. There is a lovely little beach and walking track with picnic tables and looking out onto the East Tamaki waters.

Bring your own food and drink, something to sit on and a readiness to participate. If it’s wet or too cold we can go to the Eleos Wing at the Centre. The Torch people will be meeting in the drop in.

Malcolm is able to bring some of you in the Elevate van. You will need to let us know if you want transport. RSVP to Jean on 555 1947 or Leila on 630 3019 or tell us at the Centre if you are coming.