The Caption for this was Do You Know His Name: We have a wall that we can put up displays of what we are learning, bit like a giant bulletin board.
Hi everyone, sorry we missed you last month, but things here have been really busy, This month was our last one for the year as we try to give all our helpers a big break until February next year. We had a wonderful turn out and there were quite a few birthdays. There were Christmas presents for all and a wonderful afternoon tea to be had. The message was about Christ and why he was born and where he was born, and communion was along the same lines.
We sang Christmas songs and there was loads of sharing news and things. We want to thank all those who pray for us and ask that you continue to do so as some of our folk are sick at the moment and one has had teeth out and another is about to have a tooth out, a couple have been or are going into hospital for day surgery.
A big thank you to all our helpers without you Joy Ministries would not work or be in existence
So from all of us here in the Wairarapa we Wish You A Happy Christmas and a Joyful New Year.
God Bless All the team.