5th – 7th March 2021 El Rancho, Waikanae
COSTS: (inclusive of meals)
CFFD gratefully acknowledges the grants received from the
TG McCarthy & Ann Sinclair Trusts and the Community Organisations Grants Scheme that enable the fees for this camp to be hugely subsidised for everyone.
Adults: $100.00
Under 15 $50.00
Families by arrangement
Day visitor (Sat) $30 (lunch and dinner only)
Transport arranged by CFFD $35 return
Cheques payable to CFFD Wellington or direct credit to Account
010142-0029685-12, with surname as reference.
Forms to be returned as soon as possible:
CFFD Wellington Camp
C/-14 Moana Grove
Lower Hutt 5010
Email: cffd-wgtn@actrix.co.nz