At our meeting on October 13th 2018 we celebrated 35 years of our Christchurch branch. Paula organised a huge chocolate cake, and original members of the branch, Christine Haythornthwaite, Gilda Washbourne and Margaret Palmer-Healey jointly cut the cake. Well done to everyone, and to all who have been part of the group over that time. Also at the meeting we had two travel talks. Paula shared with us about her recent trip with her husband, Simon, to Europe and focused on places in East Germany where Martin Luther lived and began the reformation. Because the allied planes could not reach East Germany in the second world war, the buildings associated with Luther are intact and still beautiful.
Dave and Margaret then shared about their recent trip, a brief time in Europe and then longer time in the UK visiting places their forebears came from. Well done to all of you with talks and photos full of interest and meaning.
Christchurch Branch 35th birthday.
February 5, 2021