Commit to The Lord
By Michael Smith
Today, I would really like to share some thoughts with you around committing whatever you do, to the Lord. I want to focus today on the first half of Proverbs 16, verse 3, NIV, which says “Commit to the Lord whatever you do…”.
You may be asking yourselves the question, ‘Why do I need to commit to the Lord whatever I do? And how do I do that? Well, as I have been reflecting some more on this verse, it has reinforced the idea that as humans, we are all naturally inclined to want things our own way. So here is an example of how I have wanted things my way in the past, and opportunities never came.
Here’s what not to do! I was so passionate about going to Korea, and serving people with disabilities, but I tried to make it happen myself, and then when I did ask Him, nothing would fall into place. I really like how this author, Natalie Regoli sums it up, she says “A painful course is to wait until the very last minute to check in with God, asking him to bless a plan that he never was behind”. Check!
So why do we need to commit things to the Lord? Because if we want to be doing what He wants us to do. We need to ask Him before we go and do something that we believe He is asking us to do. For those with disabilities, it could be as simple as asking “Lord, who do you want to put in my path today who I can minister to?”
So how do we do this? One way is by having daily quiet time with Him. Every time New Year’s Eve comes around, I find that many Christians state that they want to spend more time with God. That’s a great aspiration, and a great goal. However, it always seems to fall by the waist side for some reason. Maybe that’s because life gets filled with many things throughout a day.
So instead of a New Year’s Resolution, I like to call it a New Days Resolution, and that is to spend more time with God than we did yesterday! To commit things to Him before we start, and that can be difficult, but I encourage you to do it in the morning if you can and commit the day to the Lord. So, my encouragement to you now is to place the heavy burden of your own plans onto Jesus and allow Him to take the wheel.
Michael Smith has been a volunteer at our National Camp, Auckland CFFD and Drop-in Centre. He has been working with people with disabilities for six years.