This is a written summary of a workshop about prayer by Di Willis. The workshop was part of Elevate National Camp Online 2022.
Di says she is not an intercessor, nor an expert on the subject of prayer. Nevertheless, she loves talking to God and hearing His voice. There are so many different ways of praying. For example in churches Christians can use written prayers, set prayers, memorized prayers, or they can just let God lead them.
The Bible has many examples of prayers which we can use as a basis for our own. There are so many ways in which to speak with God, including Spirit-inspired ones as we speak in tongues.
Di has a little teddy bear that appears to be in a praying position. These are called Prayer Bears, and they encourage people to seek divine guidance from the Lord as they pray. The Prayer Bears also remind people that they don’t need to pray out loud because they can pray quietly in the Spirit.
When God speaks to Di she hears a still small voice, and the following scriptures encourage her:
1 Kings 19:12:
“And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.”
Matthew 7:7:
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you”
Di loves to model Jesus and uses Him as an example. Jesus would be walking along the road and when He would see someone who was, say blind, He would stop and pray.
Di’s story:
As a child, Di grew up in the days of World War II, and she was given a teddy bear named Timmy. When she came to New Zealand she became a Christian and then got married, she brought Timmy with her. Di heard of a family that had no teddies or dolls, and the Lord spoke to her and said, “Give your teddy bear to this family.” As much as Di loved Timmy, she freely gifted her childhood friend.
Di was also given many beautiful china dolls from a friend’s mother who had passed away, and once again, the Lord spoke to her and instructed her to gift them to people whom He had handpicked to receive them.
Whom do we pray for?
- Pray for friends
- Pray for family
- Pray for neighbours
- Pray for anyone that needs prayer
- Pray for salvation for others
- Pray for people’s needs (healing and comfort)
- Pray for the sick people who are having operations
God spoke to Di and said situations can be like a jigsaw puzzle, and so we need to take life one day at a time. Di is a SPONTANEOUS prayer.
S – Pray for someone who is sick.
P – Provision.
O – Operation. If someone is going through an operation pray for them.
N – Need. Someone is in need.
T – Thanking God. This is so important.
A – Expect prayers to be Answered. And thank Him for Answers.
N – When praying for someone name the person.
E – Exams. Ask God to give knowledge and focus to people sitting exams.
O – Pray Over your current situation.
U – Pray for Your own needs.
S – Pray for your Studies including God’s Word.
Be confident that God will show us what to pray for, and then remember to end in the Name of Jesus because we are not asking God in our own strength, we are praying in HIS strength. Amen!
You can watch Di Willis’ full workshop at:
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