Debra Dorofaeff

The Encourager

Debra wearing a lilac dressing gown and hair wrap, holding a large purple insulated cup, a towel and a small toy dog

Everyday challenges vanish as they cross paths with Debra; a problem-solver, leader, and initiator, with an eye for detail. You’ll find her moving quickly between tables in the Auckland Drop-in centre, or serving at her local op-shop. Wherever small hiccups in an operation crop up, or support is needed, Debra is involved in showing care and bringing solutions.

Moving through her day, Debra provides practical help and leaves people feeling supported, informed, and cared for in her wake. Often, the smallest actions show a thoughtfulness that extends beyond the surface levels of a relationship or interaction. If you’ve been around Debra, you may have had the privilege to receive a warm greeting, a wave through the window or across the room, or her problem-solving in action. You may have had a plate of food saved just for you from a special morning tea or a hot drink you love delivered to your seat.

Life can be hard, and Debra is an individual whose actions and presence ripple into people’s lives with hospitality, service, and compassion. These three characteristics transform your day and help you feel welcomed, loved, cared for, respected, and like you belong. What underpins the heart of Elevate Christian Disability Trust, is modelled in Debra.

Debra with red and yellow flags dancing to worship music

Debra, we thank and honour you for every cup of tea, every interaction supporting someone and providing service, every early morning or busy day. We recognise and celebrate your long service to the Trust that has spanned the Tauranga and Auckland regions, celebrated people’s birthdays, supported Torch Outreach, and coordinated volunteers on camps. You have supported the Encourager magazine, spoken in Church services, and helped to grow awareness of physical and intellectual disabilities.

Thank you, Debra, on behalf of the entire community of Elevate, for making Elevate exactly as you describe it: “it’s not just a place, it’s a family.”


The front cover of The Encourager magazine featuring a photo of Hugh Willis
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