
Picture of a girl with a megaphone: Shout out what God has done!

If you want to testify to something God has done in your life, something that you believe may encourage others, please email your testimony to info@elevatecdt.org.nz

Please note: Testimonies will be posted onto the website at the discretion of the editor.  Please be advised that some content may be changed (to safeguard privacy etc) however, we will not alter the context of the testimony. Thank you for your  understanding on this matter.

Testimony from Steve M – National Camp 2010 – First Timer!

I’m really glad that I stayed at the camp as God use my coming to camp to shift my focus off myself and on to others and yeah, a massive work was started in my heart. On Sunday night I went up for prayer to receive the Holy Spirit and felt nothing, then asked for […]