Debra Dorofaeff

Everyday challenges vanish as they cross paths with Debra; a problem-solver, leader, and initiator, with an eye for detail. You’ll find her moving quickly between tables in the Auckland Drop-in centre, or serving at her local op-shop. Wherever small hiccups in an operation crop up, or support is needed, Debra is involved in showing care […]

Hamish Muir

“A security guard” is a role that would never aptly capture the incredible character of Hamish Muir; an entire magazine and fifty volunteer role titles may do his contributions to Elevate some justice. Hamish would strike you as a hilarious, well-respected, and beloved man. The beginnings of his involvement with Elevate were hesitant – to […]

Volunteer Spotlight: Kayla

My name is Kayla. I go to Connect Baptist in Auckland. I attend the youth group there and I am learning Te Reo with some other people from my church. I first heard about Elevate camps from my friend Julia, who asked me if I wanted to come to the first Elevate Family Camp. I’ve […]

Volunteer Spotlight: Heather Major

I have been involved with CFFD Waikato since the lovely late Edith Morris and her husband Noel hosted a hui* at their house in February 2012 with Di and Hugh about CFFD Waikato being resurrected. The group had been in recess for 10 years as I recall and Athaline Morris (no relation) was the previous […]