Elevate National Camp 2020 Talent Quest
The search for talent is on! Do you sing, dance, juggle or act? Maybe you’re a pro at sports. We want to see your talent! Go on! Be courageous! Maybe you have trained your dog to do tricks. Don’t limit your ideas.
Show us what you’ve got by sending us a video of you performing your talent. There are prizes for First, Second and Third winners!
Due Date
Entries must be received by midnight on Saturday the 19th September.
How to Send Us Your Entry
- Upload your video to YouTube and email the video’s YouTube URL address by email
- Send your video using wetransfer.com
- Upload your video to your dropbox or google drive, then share it to our email
Please send your video and any questions, including how to send your video, to talent@elevatecdt.org.nz
How to record your video
1. Short and Sweet
- less than 3 minutes
- no dodgy content
2. Nice and Steady
- Make sure you film in landscape (that’s holding your phone sideways)
- Place your camera/phone on a table or use a tripod to keep the video steady
- You can film from your phone, computer or video camera
3. Light and Bright
- Make sure we can see you clearly
- If you are inside, turn on the lights and don’t stand with a window behind you
- If you are outside, make sure you are facing toward the sun
4. Loud and Clear
- We want to hear you, so make sure the sound is clear and not distorted
- Make sure you video in a quiet environment
- Don’t stand too far away from the camera
5. Practice and Critique
- Whether you are entering as an individual or a group, its best to practice your talent before you record it. Show your friends or family, they might have some helpful tips
- It’s okay to record it again if you think it could be better or the quality of the recording isn’t good
Terms and Conditions:
- When you enter, you are confirming that you have the permission of anyone appearing in your video.
- By entering the Talent Quest you are giving permission to Elevate Christian Disability Trust to use the video for marketing and promotions. By entering the Talent Quest winners agree to their names being published along with a screenshot from their video.
- Finalists will be determined by the camp committee from eligible entries received before midnight September 19th 2020.
- Voting for finalists will open on 3:30 pm Saturday afternoon (24th October) during National Camp Online and will stay open for 24 hours.
- Winners will be announced at midday on Monday the 26th October.