ARCHIVED: Area Group Meetings – November 2013


The West Group have their final gathering for the year on the 15 Nov Friday at Liberty Church, 96 Lansford Crescent, Avondale (off Wolverton Street). 7.00 – 8.30pm. Come along and enjoy some fun, fellowship and food. Please bring a plate for supper. For information contact Cherry Lewis 8174784.


Bill and Barbara Ellis are organising an afternoon to meet at the Albany Village Bakery & Cafe. 229 Old Albany Village. ph 094485111

 Sit in for afternoon tea and a walk to Kell’s Park near cafe. Meet Saturday 16th November from 2.30 – 4pm. A wonderful time to maybe share highlights of 2013 and goals for 2014.

 Please confirm with Bill and Barbara 4736482.
