Disability Related Organisations
Joni and Friends: Joni Eareckson Tada founded this American based ministry in 1979 to communicate the gospel and equip Christ-honouring churches worldwide to evangelise and disciple people affected by disabilities. Elevate is a “partner organisation” with this ministry.
Christian Blind Mission (CBM) : CBM are a non-denominational development organisation following the example of Jesus Christ, by witnessing to God’s unconditional love in our service of children and families affected by poverty, blindness, hearing impairment or disability.
Christian Churches Disability Ministry (CCDM): For over 30 years CCDM have operated campus homes, in America, providing residential care for adults with developmental disabilities. In addition, they provide resources and ministry to churches, encouraging others to become involved in ministry to the disability community.
Friendship Ministries: For 30 years this organisation has helped equip churches around the world to include and share God’s love, with people with intellectual disabilities. They can provide a model for ministry, resources, consultation, training and encouragement.
Through the Roof: Through the Roof is a UK based Christian charity working with people with disabilities in the UK and overseas.
Some NZ Bible Colleges
Carey Baptist College : Carey is a Bible and theological College, based in Auckland, where you can train for mission and ministry for whatever God uses you now or in the future.
Faith Bible College: The mission of this Tauranga based College is to prepare servant leaders for the end time global harvest, who manifest the character of Christ and who minister in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. Through their unique blend of academic training and practical ministry experience Faith have been training and equipping people for over 40 years. Significant people in Elevate, including one of the co-founders, Margie Willers, and many other people with disabilities have gone through this College over the years.
Laidlaw College: Have been teaching, training and mentoring New Zealand Christians for years. They have centres around the country (and also online through their website).
Other Christian Ministries And Useful Christian Resources
Alpha New Zealand : The Alpha course is a 15-session practical introduction to the Christian faith. It is designed primarily for non-churchgoers and new Christians…
Bible.org: Provides completely free Bible course resources.
BibleGateway.com: The Bible Gateway is a tool for reading and researching scripture online — all in the language or translation of your choice and more…
Childrens Bible Ministries (CBM): CBM is committed to “Helping You Reach Today’s Children”. They are a non-denominational, non-profit organisation with branches in several countries. They helped establish Philippines CFFD (PCFFD) in co-operation with Elevate.
Christian Answers Network: Their primary goal is to provide accurate, biblical answers on a wide variety of questions asked by Christians and non-Christians.
Christian Classics Ethereal Library: This site has useful study tools including an online Study Bible and Bible Browser, Free Christian classic books and more…
E-Sword: This is completely free to download and makes a very useful software package enabling you to study the Bible both fast and effectively.
Greg Laurie Crusades: Greg Laurie and his (United States based) Harvest Crusade came to Auckland in 2011. Churches around Auckland united to be a part of this event. A large number of people attended and a huge number made commitments to Christ. For more information on future crusades please see their website.
I Lift My Eyes Ministry: I Lift My Eyes is possibly one of the largest directories of Christian links.
Large Print Bible: You have a choice of large print or audio and a choice of Bible editions and other resources.
Logos Bible Software: Top of the range software, from Home Library to Scholar’s Library.
Olive Tree Software: The Bible Study app for iPad, iPhone, Android, Windows and Mac.
Rhema Media: Connecting Kiwis to Christ through media. They operate three Christian radio stations (Radio Rhema, Life FM, and Southern Star), a Christian TV station (Shine TV), quarterly Bible reading notes (The Word for Today and Word for You Today), and the Rhema Media app.