Joy Ministries

Hi, Welcome to Joy Ministries

Joy Ministries gives individuals with an intellectual disability the opportunity to come together to worship and learn about God.

As many traditional services are not able to cater to the special needs of these people, Joy Ministries provides a safe and positive environment where they can come and learn about Jesus through prayer, worship and activities.

Everyone is welcome at Joy Ministries – people with intellectual disabilities, their family, friends and support people.
Services are generally held on a monthly basis and usually involve a time of prayer, singing and Bible Study, followed by an activity designed to further develop an understanding of the Bible message.

For more details please contact the office on 09 636 4763 or email

Regional Groups

Here are all the areas around New Zealand where we meet together.

We gather for various activities around the Auckland region throughout the year – including our annual picnic at Cornwall Park on Anniversary weekend.

Welcome to Joy Ministries in East Auckland!  We are a warm and friendly group that meet four times a year. Our time starts at 10.00am with morning tea together in the Cafe.  After a time of fellowship, we gather for a time of worship together, sharing news, and a wonderful teaching time which is often accompanied by an activity along the same thoughts as the Bible lesson taught.

Welcome to Joy Ministries in Hamilton!
We have a wonderful time together and would like to extend a warm welcome to you to come along and join us soon.

Whakatane Joy Ministries meets (fortnightly from 0930–1130) at the Whakatane Baptist Church centre, located at 67 Keepa Road, Coastlands, Whakatane.

We meet at the church at 9.30am with other church goers, and go into church and take part in the church singing/praying/notices etc. Once this first part of church is over, we go out to another room, where we have a Bible lesson, more singing, sharing and an activity. We also pray for one another during this time. As a group, we sponsor a deaf child from the Philippines.

After our JM time is finished, we join the other church goers, for a cupa (and hopefully a bikkie) and socialising.

Our fortnightly meetings always start sometime in Feb and goes through until mid Dec.

We welcome any new faces to this area..or old faces – and any other Whakatane faces that would like to join us….

Welcome! We meet every fourth Sunday of the month at 2.30pm, 117 Ngamutawa Road, Masterton.

We have a great time of fellowship, craft and songs, with stories to be told – all are welcome!  We have a cuppa and biscuit at the end. We look forward to seeing you!