We hope you enjoy the July 2023 issue of The Encourager. Because this year we will be celebrating 40 years of National Camps, we’ve showcased the impact this event has had on people over that time. We’ve also highlighted other camps that we run or that are affiliated with Elevate.
Our camps bless both campers and volunteers. Campers revel in the fun activities, are powerfully moved by the speakers, and delight in connecting with others in a similar situation. For some, too, it is the only time they can be in a Christian community and hear biblical teaching. And volunteers often talk about how helping at Elevate camps was an awe-inspiring experience for them. Here are two comments, from a former camper and volunteer:
“I was blessed continually as I looked around and saw the goodness of God in people’s lives … Everyone I met was so friendly—open, honest and loving … It was my first time at camp, but it definitely won’t be my last … It wasn’t a holiday—it was a camp with a difference and, for me, a life-changing experience.” – Alan Brayshaw, volunteer.
“It was a revelatory experience. I received enlightenment from the other parents out of their experiences. I enjoyed not only getting time with my wife and kids, but also being with other Christian parents who understand.” – Rob, camper.
Our camps are places where people feel they belong; where genuine connections happen; and where there is opportunity for God to touch people’s lives. There is a significant lasting impact that you can help make happen.
We rely on donations to cover the majority of camp costs, which in turn means we can keep camp fees more affordable. Are you able to donate to our National Camp and Family Camps fund? Your gift would enable more people to connect in with a Christian community, have fun experiences and hear Christian teachings in a friendly camp environment.
Ngā mihi nui,
Kirsty Armitage | Director
Elevate Christian Disability Trust
Do you want to help more people with disabilities have life-changing experiences?
Please donate to our National Camp and Family Camps fund. Your gift will enable more people to connect in with a Christian community, have fun experiences and hear Christian teachings in a friendly camp environment. Please consider giving today and ensure no camper misses out due to costs involved.
To give you an idea, these are some of the costs that can be covered by what you give. These figures are an indication of costs and not what we’re asking you to give. The amount is up to you. Every donation counts!
Ways to Donate:
- Phone: (09) 636 4763
- Internet banking: 01-0142-0029706-00 (ANZ)
Please enter your name in ‘Reference’,
your supporter ID (if known) in ‘Code’
and “Camps” in Particulars. - Online: https://elevatecdt.org.nz/support-us/
Please contact us if you would like assistance with other ways to donate.
The payment methods mentioned above are only for donations to Elevate camps. Please don’t send through any registration payments for National Camp fees.
National Support Office
PO Box 13-322, Onehunga, Auckland 1643
Ph: +64 9 636 4763; info@elevate.org.nz