A New Resource for
Christian Campsites

Thank you for being willing to share your or your loved one's experience with attending or not being able to attend a mainstream camp with their peers.
We are creating this new resource because it is our hope that it will achieve two things:
- To help provide a voice for young people with disabilities who want the option of attending a mainstream camp
- To help Christian campsites on their journey in including more people with disabilities within their mainstream camps, through providing encouragement of the importance and providing biblical, practical and achievable strategies and guidance.
To be able to meet this aim, we ask that you are honest when sharing your story. Not all stories are positive or have a 'happy ending', but some do. We understand that as Christians, it can be really hard to say something that might be negative or even critical against Christian organisations and services. However, change is unlikely to happen if people don't know or understand that there is a problem. Equally, we can be encouraged and inspired by stories of others who have done something well. In the form below, we are not asking you to rave or vent, but rather to share your experience honestly, whether it be good bad or ugly, in order to help the Body of Christ grow.
To share your story, please complete the form below.