Ready for the rim walk

Walkers returning

Shade or sun, we had the choice – Michael Devine in foreground

Dave Palmer, Gilda Washbourne, Janice McIvor, Carol, and Liz Cox

Tanya White and others in the shade

? Cheryl, Paula helps Melanie, ? Pat Gardener with her back to the camera.

Paula Couprie, Melanie Berry, Gilda Washbourne and others.

Back: Bruce Catherall, Nigel Greenlees, Kevin Falconer. Front: Pat Gardener, Margaret Palmer-Healey, Brenda McGuinness

Dave leads a time of singing and worship.
We had a glorious day for our February meeting at Halswell Quarry. Roasting temperatures had us gathered under the huge trees, glad of the wonderful shade they offered. After lunch the fit ones went for the rim walk above the quarry, guided by Bruce and Kevin while the rest of us chatted and rested. On return of the walkers Dave led us in a time of worship and prayer, and we finished the day with afternoon tea, the main focus being on the cool drinks. Thank you Lord for a beautiful day.