We had a glorious day for our February meeting at Halswell Quarry. Roasting temperatures had us gathered under the huge trees, glad of the wonderful shade they offered. After lunch the fit ones went for the rim walk above the quarry, guided by Bruce and Kevin while the rest of us chatted and rested. On […]
Christchurch Branch 35th birthday.
At our meeting on October 13th 2018 we celebrated 35 years of our Christchurch branch. Paula organised a huge chocolate cake, and original members of the branch, Christine Haythornthwaite, Gilda Washbourne and Margaret Palmer-Healey jointly cut the cake. Well done to everyone, and to all who have been part of the group over that time. […]
Day Camp 13 April 2019
What a wonderful day we had for our day camp in 2019. We met at the St. Albans Reformed church, and retired minister, Dirk van Garderen spoke to us in the morning and led communion. Members excelled themselves by bringing delicious food for a bring and share lunch in the roomy facility. A relaxed time […]
Marvellous Creation
Emeritus Professor Murray McEwan was our speaker on August 11th 2019. Murray shared with us about his academic life at Canterbury University interspersed with time in Canada and USA joining in research in such fields as Experimental Space Science; Atmospheric and Space Physics; and time at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Murray was well placed […]
Day Camp Speaker 2019
Day Camp message 13 April, 2019 Retired Reformed Church minister, Dirk van Garderen, spoke about Amazing Grace when Jesus presented himself in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, knowing he was going there to die for us. He rode in on a donkey to symbolise bringing peace, not the warrior attitude of riding on a horse, but […]
Meetings 2016
We were privileged to have Sharon Reynolds at our August meeting (13th). Sharon is an artist and while Dave was speaking she painted an amazing picture. She also had a canvas prepared to which everyone was able to contribute. At the next meeting in October Dave brought in the finished pictures for everyone to see. […]
Mystery Bus Trip March 2016
A fine sunny day, Ritchie’s wheelchair bus, and a great bunch of Christchurch branch members, and we were off to a mystery destination. Very soon as we headed south, it was clear that our destination was Akaroa. An hour and a half later and a safe trip over the windy hill, and there we were. […]
Day Camp at Kaiapoi, 11th April 2015
This year we chose to have a day camp and it worked well. Vicki again did a superb job of feeding us. Liz ran an activity in the morning for everyone to work in groups creating posters on our camp theme of ‘God is Love’. Some excellent productions were created and displayed. Time was available […]
Addington Fair 22nd November 2014
In spite of dire weather forecasts, the day was sunny and warm. We had a stall as part of the fair, and enjoyed the day working together. Thanks to all who contributed goods to sell and all our helpers on the day.
200 Years of the Gospel in New Zealand
Marty Scheib from OAC was guest speaker at our August meeting. With his helper, Penguin the puppet, he shared about fishing for men as instructed by Jesus. He told us about the first missionaries coming to New Zealand two hundred years ago. He also told us the moving story of Tarore and the Gospel of […]